Flymonk Girl
(Hidden Kingdom)
Kind of creature: Flymonk
Looks like: Cross between a fish and a furry chipmunk
Distinguishing features: The tail is purple and the body pink
Typical clothing: Just fur and scales
Quirks: : At sundown, they can change into land walkers, shedding their tails for legs; they also have a special power of speed so fast you can’t see them move
Likes to do: Swim and bathe
Best quality: Sweet-natured and peaceful
Worst quality: They are very jittery and easily spooked
Really loves: Warm water, sunshine, nighttime foraging for acorns
Really hates: Cold weather
Favorite food: Acorns and algae
Hates this food: Anything human’s like
Family members: They are all related
Friends: They are all friends in the same colony
Favorite saying: They are very quiet and make a clicking noise instead of talking
Occupation: They roam and eat and don’t have jobs
Home/Dwelling: An enormous green pond in the middle of the Kingdom